Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I'm a pimpstress... I've realized that all of my male friends, and I love you all are like my manwhores, I send them on their way and they make me lots of money... Hey females... chicken heads...jazzabelles...whatever... watchout... it's almost summer, and the guys have been in training... they look good they smell good and uhmmm... they hott!!! So beware, the money you spend on him could be coming to me...
(I'm a dork, and if you believe that, you're a dork too..)

Spring break is over, and back to the bull crap... So, how about... I have no life... Let's talk about H2O, otherwise known as VIP on the water to a chosen few... gotta love that place, anytime, you can get in for free and you don't drink... who is losing money... not me, I just pay for gas down there and that about it... Hey fellas (bruvas, My nuhs) Are all of you guys going to the Kanye West concert... I'm thinking we gotta take it back to when Busta Rhymes came, like ions ago... that was hot.. Yall know I don't do concerts, I'm too short for that crap man.... People tend to look me over, and then I can't see, and then I'ma have to whoop somebody's tale..
Do I have a Napoleonic complex... because being short isn't the norm, I mean... short isn't cute anymore, let me tell you what the norm is :

Long hair (look-a-like a mixture of ish)
Tiny (look-a-like a anorexic, wit booty though)
Long legs (look-a-like a tall glass of Vodka)
I'm confused... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...but who be doing the beholding

Let's talk about that guy that get made when you don't dance with him at the club!
Why do guys think that I came to the club to dance wit you, like you the hottest nigga up in here... and for that matter....the hottest nigga most likely ain't dancin wit me anyway, but that's not the point... the point is....Look you 5'5 bastard, I don't wanna talk to you..I don't wanna dance wit your drunk tale...I don't want you touchin my skin... ewww. It's plenty of sexy nigga's in here and you ain't one of 'em playa... matter of factly, if I have on 4 inch heels, and we eye level... you might wanna go elsewhere.. go find a midget or something and be happy...

So enuf of that.... Hey fellas... you sexy beast you!!! Can yall make me some money, it's about to be summer time... get it right!!! Get the bodies right, get the gear right... if you need some sexy dancing instructions, The Black Stallion is handling that call him, for the appropriate gear, you might wanna contact, that sexy doc and the light-eyed bandit, and for the appropriate hair, check out the dirtymexican...uhmmm... that about it for today.. class dismissed

Quote of the Day: "What's your name shorty, Cairo, is that your sister, Yeah, What's her name, Egypt, Yall twins, Uhmm No!!!, You older, Yeah, Why you so short?"
Short conversation with a drunken person....Wassup wit the short puns, why can't a girl just be short.. damn!!

Thursday, March 18, 2004

I've realized that this journal is for my satisfaction... I need an outlet to right down my thoughts, how i feel.. I'm not writing for anyone in particular, I don't care whos feelings I hurt... This is my darn journal and I say what the fudge I want to... You got a problem wit it, screw you and the ship that you sailed in on....

Black Men: "Grow the fudge up!" "Get over it" "Jump off a curb, holla at me when you get back to reality"... "Oh and ughhhh... get a life"
Black Women:"Did I mention Grow the fudge up!!" "Learn to live life for you....Anus"
White Men: " Get over yourself"
White Women: "Your not that cute....Stop it.. your annoying me"
Asian Men: "You are not Hip-Hop"
Asian Women: "Can you take me to Arden B with you, You rich bastard!"
E'rbody else: "Fa-la la lala la, fa-lalalalalala"

I feel like I don't need to be pissed off at anyone, because I don't care.It takes to much energy.. It's time to focus on ME and I'm okay with that, and If you're not...oh the hell well.. Everybody, at a point in there life, can literally go "nutty" if they want to... Do it, Do it... Who gives a fudge?

Quote of the Day:
" I give a fuck, I give a fuck!!" - 25th hour, that was a really good movie, wonder if it's on DVD.

Monday, March 15, 2004

.....since there are no topics today... i really don't have much to say... I have work to do, what about you, what do you have to do today... I have two exams this week...and a quiz... so uhmm yeah.. holla at the kid at the end of the week, otherwise, trust!!! I'm too darn busy to be talking to you..

Quote of the Day:
"...it all falls down..." really!! - Kanye West, L-Boogie, Syleena Johnson, whoever sings the darn hook!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Let me start off by saying that I am in probably the crappiest mood that a person can be in... I can't find anything good about anything... So don't interrupt me today... Just let me be, ask me how I am or what's wrong next week.. The kid is likely to go off on anyone today!!!

Topic of the Day:If there was one thing or one moment in time that u could change or go back to what would it be?

If there was one moment that I could go back to it would probably be when my uncle died, it was my first year in college, and I was aww struck over this dude who wasn't worth crap and I spent most of my time crying over him, when my uncle was laid up in the hospital for 6 months struggling with cancer..
If I could turn back the hands of time, I probably would have the strength that I have now, and tell the bastard about himself and I would have been there for my unc' whom I loved and still love very much.. he was the father-figure to me when my father wasn't available... So with that said.. that's it..
Of all the moments in my life, I think that one would be the most important or one of the most important..

Quote of the Day:
"Some people want it all, I don't want nothing at all, if it ain't you baby..." - Alicia Keyes... wouldn't it be great to feel that way about someone..

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

The guys are doing this so why not me... check it out!!!

Who, what, when, where?.........

-what music do you have in heavy rotation? I don't, I have no freakin CD player in my car...
-what is your current mood? Content...
-what are you currently snacking on? Nuffin, I'm hungry as crap...
-what current phrase are you thinking about? My bologna has a first name it's H-O-M-E-R...
-what is you current favorite movie? Mhmmm, let's see... Haven't been to the movies lately...last movie I saw was Barbershop 2, can't say it's my favorite, so I'll pass on this one...
-what car would you drive if money was no object? I'm easy to please, I want my Landcruiser...Yeahh!!
-who is your current favorite model? don't have one!
-what is your current bad habit? Procrastination, and I don't call people...i just don't
-what is your current good habit? A habit that's good... I don't talk much, I listen... I dunno!! so I'ma stick with that
-who is your current favorite family member? I'ma pass on mom, My auntie is battling breast cancer so right now she is my "Shero"
-who is your current favorite ex-boy? Earl
-who is your current least favorite ex-boy? Demonte'
-who would you ditch everyone to be with? can't say that I'd ditch everybody too attached
-what person do you wish you had another chance with? ughhh...don't have much of a list to choose from so I'll pass
-what is your favorite pick up line? that someone has given to me..."I've been watching you all night"...nigga you ain't been in the club all night so how were you watchin me, and this the first time I've seen your ugly tale...
-what are the last clubs that you went to? Dream...Club One...it's been a minute
-who do you have a crush on? crush...people still have crush's
-who would you take a bullet for? mhmm..let's see... I don't like bullets so can I get stabbed instead... My niece, my best friend...probably anyone that i'm really close to it's a maternal instinct
-who would take a bullet for you? i dunno...so i'll say... I dunno...
-who do you love? I love e'rbody
-who are you in love with? I'm in love wit a man, nearly twice my age.... It's a song.. shut up!! I'm in love with myself gotta love me first
-what do you think the opposite sex likes most about you? I'm short and a gotta phat bootie (sorry bruva's cover your eyes)
-what do yo think the opposite sex dislikes most about you? facial expressions... I think I can make a nigga cry by the way I frown up my face...
-what is your current favorite sex position? Ughh... sex is good in any position if you gettin some
-what is your current least favorite sex position? ughh.. pass
-what is your favorite alcoholic beverage? don't drink
-what is your current favorite food? i like chicken... i eat too much chicken, so i'll say turkey wings
-what's the last restaraunt you went to? Pizza Hut
-who did you go with? who else...
-who is your current favorite person(s)? E'rbody is special...so e'rbody is my favorite, my bruva's, my best friend, my homegirls, my little sista's, this is an all -inclusive type thing...
-what article of clothing do you feel that you look your best in? I'm a girl, it's gotta be shoes..pair of NYLA stylettos
-when's the last time you wore it? haven't worn them yet
-who's the last person you kissed? A durdy ass spic
-who's the last person you did the do with? ...
-who's the last person you made love to? ...
-when's the last time you got misty eyed? when i totaled my car last august... haven't seen passion of the christ yet, but I'm sure it'll be waterworks up in there
-who's the last person you danced with? some dude...
-what's the craziest thing you've done recently? forgot to fill out my dang on fasfa/fafsa, however it's spelled
-what's the dumbest thing you've done? (please see above)

Okay so that's it, wow, that was fun... yeah yeah

Friday, March 05, 2004

I don't have anything to say... The bruvas posted a question of "list the people that you've had sex with?" since that doesn't apply to me... I'll just leave that one alone...

So... uhmmm, I don't have anything to say...

Quote of the day:

"This phone is old, how old is it?" - Retailer at the T-mobile store
so pissed... did you have to diss my phone, geesh

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

I didn't fill out my FASFA!!!
Geesh!!! Can anything get anyworse? Yep! and I'm gonna enjoy the day because I don't wanna know what "worse" is! Anyhoot what can I discuss today... Mhmmm.. First I wanna say "Wassup" to e'rbody that read blogs on a daily basis... sorry the kid hasn't written much lately... the new gig has been keeping me busy...
I wonder what it's gonna be like once I graduate... I've been seriously contemplating leaving Baltimore, I've been trying to visit some schools and see what's out there, not for graduate school, but to get some type of degree in Fashion Design... Yes people, the kid is finally going to do something with her talent. I don't know though... the job I have now, I've only been at for a few months and by the time I graduate, I will have only been here for a year...so.. that leaves me perplexed... I think I have the option to work from home, but do I want to, that leaves room for delays, and communication issues, etc... I do like this job, I can say one thing... The Lord continues to bless me with good jobs, jobs that people my age usually dont get, I mean, people my age are usually working in retail, telemarketing, food services, etc..
So what do I do!! I wanna go, really bad... I don't want to leave my friends and family, but I will!!!! You know how you get that feeling like you know, you just gotta move on, something is holding you back, whether it be someone, job, family, whatever.... I gotta leave, so we will see.... I can't pursue a prosperous career here, not for the things that I want to do, I'll be back of course...
I mean, geesh, does anybody know how it feels to want to go somewhere different, feel like maybe... starting over, or just seeing somethings you've never seen before and wanting to enjoy those things for a while, well that's the state that I'm in right about ... now! Gotta go people, can't stay here forever, the kid must move on, and see other places, I feel like a caged bird almost...well that's enuf..
Arrivederci for now...

Quote of the Day:

---none for today!!
Find something that your passionate about and celebrate it! (non-sexual)