Thursday, May 19, 2005

Rambling from the top of my head

So I was thinking about sex, not having it, just thinking about it, and why it is what it is...from a femal point of view of course. I came to the conclusion that sex is 85% mental for women and 15% physical...and that's about 70% of the population of women. The other 30% are porn stars, hoes, prostitutes, and sluts. Who knows where they get the mental from, it's inate, they almost think like men...Testosterone levels must shoot through the roof. I thought, why is it that women scream and squeal and put on a performance during sex? Come on's not that painful, not that's a learned's all about pleasing the man....if a man could get a woman...(the 70%ile) to actually have an orgasm...He'd be labeled an enigma...and his penis would be dipped in platinum for everyone's enjoyment... Now men let's be realistic here...Women don't orgasm...we get happy...Men orgasm (ejaculate, release sperm) We ain't got nothing to release...Our whole reason for having sex is to get why do we have sex...For you... make sense....
God loved you enough to make it easy for you to reach that euphoric feeling...He just gave us the vessel to hold life...we can only orgasm when we masturbate...this is true, cause we know what we like, most women don't know how to communicate what they much as we talk you would think so, but when it comes to pleasure...Nope...we can draw you a diagram, tell you where to go...Just call me Magellan...
I hope that this wasn't too X-rated for you guys, I mean we are all adults here, lets be realistic...Only porn stars have orgasms...or those women that can make there fluids shoot out like a freakin's that 30%...of overly manly women...I tell you...
Most people don't know the difference between a male orgasm and a female orgasm....
Question: When females orgasm to they normally cum? Do you know the answer...? It's no! A female orgasm is characterized simply by vaginal contractions...she doesn't have to be wet at all, a males orgasm is characterized by ejaculation of semen...For guys who have to ask if a woman has orgasm...Stop! It's's uncontrollable...Now don't worry over it...most women don't orgasm....through simple gotta play with the special button, and massage body parts...and talk. It's a point of emotional intensity for women, for men it's a point of physical intensity...(no emotion involved)...most of the time, they can't even think straight!
It's true...don't get mad, it's true...Most dictionary's don't even refer to the female when you look up orgasm...
Try it, tell me what you get?

Ciao people!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Confucius say: Lovers in Triangle not in Square!!!

I am so not in a lovers square, that's just nasty...I'm not in a lover's triangle either...I have a boyfriend!

That's all I'll say about that!

Ciao Bellos and Bellas!