Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I feel like being borderline genius today, so read this quote and just think about it....

Quote of the Day:
"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security."
--Albert Einstein

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Hey everyone, I jus wanna give shout outs to ready here it go...
Oh, by the way...Yeah Dick, it is from Kill Bill...Gotta love it!
Mind you these are in no particular order..

-My bestest friend/favorite person in the world: You need help...That's all
-My fake/play bruvas:
-Dizzy/Bugga/Bugga Foot/Leaky Buddah/Anus: Pick a girl, any girl. It's like a game of spades, play to win niggah...
-Dick/Black Stallion/Sexy Beast/Partyboy/You strippin muhfudger: Make dat money baby
-Doc/Durango Yo/Hot damn/There he go/Pretty azz nigga: Why the fudge ain't you writing in your blog
-Sheedio/Yo dats sheed/Tall nigga/I be dancin' wit his knees: You aight ova der in Chick-a-go
-Jay/Little muhfudger: When is you and bugga movin?
-Fuller/Durdyboy/Mexican half-breed/Hairy monster: Can you cut my grass, and work on my car?
-Mr. Dax/Anus: You been sniffing some of those chemicals dude...Do you see dead people
-Blazian Asian/John: I never see you anymore dude
-Carla/Wee little brownskin/Number 2: Niggas ain't ish.
-DSS: I miss yall fools
-Big Erika/Bease: Get your black azz back in school please...thank you
-Lil Erika/The Lioness: You betta take your tale out wit us the next time we go to H20
-Ivy/Shiny lip yo/My lil sis/Egypt: HA...when we going to the club

Uhmmm.. dat about it for right now...holla at your girl...Miney Mo, Medium-sized Mo, Mowgli...and all that stuff...Ciao!

Monday, April 26, 2004

Okay.....This is entry number 2, because I just accidentally deleted what I had typed...So let's try this all over again.

We....represent the Lollipopkidz , the Lollipopkidz, the Lollipopkidz, and you better not sing along bastard.

So I had a conversation with my friend the other day. The topic: Men with Children, How do I feel about getting into a relationship with a man who has a child or children? Well I don't feel anything. I think that if that situation were to present itself, I probably wouldn't be too happy about it, see I'm a little bit selfish, and I need to know that I am a priority on his list. And there is no way that if you have children, you have time to be with me. Selfishness is not a virtue, yes I know...but I still don't think that I could handle it. What do you guys think about women who have kids, do you discriminate because she has children... very much confused in Baltimore, Holla back.

And on another note, so I've contacted this pageant..called Miss Petite International, because I'm short and I'm beautiful damnit. What do you have to say about that. I'm tired of the norm being that chic that's 5'7'' and taller, why can't a girl that's 5'6'' and under be one of America's next top model's. You can even walk into one of the Petite stores, and the models on the ads will be tall...WTF.(fudge) What is that all about, bad enuf I am a double threat, but triple.... I'm a woman --wammie #1, I'm an african american --wammie #2, and my third wammie is that I'm short...I can't tolerate this, so my life's mission is to create some type of outlet for women who are petite and under the 5'6'' range...well there will be a range of 5'0'' to 5'6'' because otherwise your just a midget, and they have there own outlets...So...what do you think about pricks!!! Tall bastards!

Quote of the Day: "Holla at your boy, we can shoot the shit for a few, or we can go to dinner for some chat and chew", This guy is pure genius, that's why he's my play bruva...

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Bang...Bang...He Hit the Ground
Bang...Bang...I shot my lover down
Bang...Bang...Do you hear the sound

Who knows what I'm talking about? Bang...Bang...

I don't feel good...and if the reason I don't feel good is because of you, then Screw Off.... Fart Face!

Bang...Bang...I shot you down..

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Someone wanna teach me Spanish, please... I need it in my life...I want it in my life... Are the only anus' that write in their journals people who are most depressed, or is it the people with the most to say... I usually don't have much to say...I just use blogger as an outlet to be truthful and honest...or to lie, steal and cheat, and all of that heathen-like stuff.

I want to get dressed up and go somewhere...warm...I need a break... as I stated in the last entry...Sometimes the hum-drum of everyday life is just too much, and right about's beginning to overwhelm me. The whole monotony of work and school and back to school and then more work. Anyone taking summer classes, I am...My summer is screwed..How you love that! I can't even go on vacation. Ughhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I continue to rethink my path of going away as soon as I graduate...dont' get me wrong I still want to, but I need to get rid of some if anyone knows of any old guys getting ready to die...and they need to leave their inheritance to someone...holla atcha girl!!
I'm kidding...

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I'm a little tea pot
short and stout
here is my handle
here is my spout
when i get all steamy
here me shout
Then tip me over and
Pour me Out

I need to get out more often...I am in desperate need of a vaca (a.k.a. vacation), before I freaking explode. The highlight of my day is singing this little tea-pot song. What the heck is wrong with me? Did anyone see the news conference yesterday? Does anyone want to respond to it, or talk about it.... No, Okay then...I'm okay with that...Make sure you guys watch the debates, those are always interesting... to see politicians dish more dirt, and talk around questions for 2 hours. Yeah, how bout we have a debate night at someone's house, and everyone can bring plastic dart guns to shoot at the TV. Wouldn't that be fun!!!

Yeah yeah....Spaghetti, spayetti...spagheetti, yeah yeah!!
Gotta love Crank Yankers.

Monday, April 05, 2004

All I can do is laugh, because life is so difficult, it's great when someone can make you smile and forget about the issues that you have on a day-to-day basis... and people, learn how to pray, it can make a substantial difference in your life!!!

Quote of the day: "Los labios" - Wow!! Yes indeed... those..!!!